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National Immunization Resources

National Immunization Resources

Educate your employees about immunizations in recognition of National Immunization Awareness Month!

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is sponsored by the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC). NPHIC, in collaboration with CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, developed communication toolkits to help you educate people of all ages about vaccines recommended for them.  For more information on the observance and to download the communication toolkits, visit NPHIC’s NIAM website.

During flu season, September through February, Carriers offer free vaccinations to their members at participating pharmacy locations, and also offer worksite clinics.  Worksite clinics often require a minimum number of participants and will even cover employees who are non-members of the hosting Carrier. To get more information about hosting a worksite flu clinic, please EMAIL us and we can help facilitate an event with your insurance carrier.

Why Immunizations are Important


Why Immunizations are Important

  • Diseases are becoming rare as more people are vaccinated against them

  • Protect against preventable diseases

  • Protect against vaccine-preventable diseases that are still are threat like measles and whooping cough

  • Protect against illnesses that can cause serious complications, even death

  • Protect those around you that are sensitive to illnesses like newborns and the elderly

  • Some countries don’t require vaccines which leaves those without immunizations susceptible

  • Immunizations protect against future illnesses that could result in high healthcare costs

  • Vaccines are safe and effective

This week, please go to the following sites for more detailed information on vaccines; particularly infant vaccinations:
