Mark Fukuhara



Q: What’s your number one tip on how to maintain a healthy work life balance?

M: Minimize time spent talking/writing/thinking about work related issues when not at work.  

Q: What’s the most inspiring part of your job?

M: Assisting to develop options or documentation which can help EBC address issues, topics or opportunities that would likely not be looked into until much later due to other priorities impacting Joni and Lachelle on a daily basis.

Q: What is the most important thing you’ve learned on the job?

M: Listening carefully to someone and holding back on the urge to interrupt with a comment or question before they have finished what they want to say.  People generally appreciate it when you pay attention and let them finish what they want to say.


They will also be more likely to listen to you even if you explain why you have a difference of opinion from them or want to point out something they failed to consider.

Q: What did you think you were going to grow up to be when you were a kid?

M: When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be a fireman or policeman as I had a desire to help people.

Q: Where can one find you on Sunday mornings?

M: I am nearly always on a golf course on Sunday mornings.  Although I love to play golf, I am not very good at it. It is a good way to release stress, get some exercise and catch up on things with friends.

Q: What publications do you usually read?

M: I read the Honolulu Star Advertiser newspaper daily and have magazine subscriptions to Fortune, Money, Sports Illustrated, Barron’s and People.

Q: What’s a motto you live by?

M: Honesty is the best policy.

More About Mark

Mark Fukuhara is a consultant for Employee Benefit Consulting LLC (EBC). Prior to joining EBC, he was the VP of Hawaii Operations for Hawaii-Mainland Administrators. With a career spanning more than 30 years in Hawaii’s healthcare industry, Mark is uniquely qualified to provide analysis and insights regarding single and multi-employer benefit plans, both self-funded and fully-insured. In addition, he has a wide ranging experience in the healthcare arena, giving him the perspective from the standpoint of insurance carriers/health plans, employers, third party administrators, benefits consultants and providers. Mark has had previous CEO/Administrator experience at Akamai Benefit Consultants, the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund, Washington Counties Insurance Fund and Kahuku Hospital. In addition, he has served as Chief Operating Officer at Hawaii Dental Service and Royal Insurance Agency.

Mark has held management positions with Aon Consulting, HMSA and Straub Clinic and Hospital. Mark has performed benefits consulting projects for local insurance carriers such as AlohaCare, University Health Alliance (UHA), Hawaii Medical Assurance Association (HMAA), and Ohana Health Plan. In addition, he has conducted benefits consulting engagements with mainland companies including Prudential, Guardian, Catamaran/Optum and Sterling Administration.

In 2018, Mark became a certified broker/consultant for Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans offered in Hawaii by Humana, United Healthcare and Aetna. He analyzes, educates and advises employees and individuals on what Medicare options best meet their needs and budgets.

Mark has been a member on the Boards of AlohaCare and the Kahuku Hospital Foundation. He also has served as an officer of the Hawaii Association of Health Underwriters. Mark earned a bachelor’s degree with honors in biology from the University of California and master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University.