Lachelle Rodrigues, GBA


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Q: What’s your number one tip on how to maintain a healthy work life balance?

L: Taking time in my workday for a little of everything - a small walk out of the office for fresh air, eating lunch away from my computer, or my morning cup of coffee listening to my favorite song or podcast. This ensures I don’t get burnt out during the day and I can focus on the tasks at hand.

Q: What’s the most inspiring part of your job?

L: I love speaking and interacting with our clients’ employee base. It is fulfilling to help answer questions and provide useful suggestions that will empower members and their families to maintain a healthy, well rounded lifestyle.

Q: What is the most important thing you’ve learned on the job?


L: Ask a lot of questions. Finding out the specific needs and wants of a business or individual helps us create a fitting benefit package and plan of action. This is also true of life. Being curious and asking questions helps me learn, connect and grow.

Q: What did you think you were going to grow up to be when you were a kid?

L: When I was about 5 I announced that I wanted to be the President of the United States. My how my opinion about that has changed!

Q: Where can one find you on Sunday mornings?

L: Sundays are for beach days. My family and I venture around the island to different spots to soak up the sun and spend time in the ocean. Catching fish or finding shells is a bonus.

Q: What’s a motto you live by?

L: “Tend to your thoughts with care. They have the power to grow weeds or flowers” – Cleo Wade

More About Lachelle

Lachelle graduated from Hawaii Pacific University and joined EBC in 2004, having worked part time in insurance during her undergraduate years.  She is also a member of HAHU and is working on her CEBS professional designation. She is the primary administrator and "go to" person working on premium and claims problems.  She has experience in conducting open enrollment meetings for all benefit programs and helping new group clients with their insurance requirements.